
Thursday, March 5, 2020

Writing (Self-Assess)!

WALT: Self-Assess our writing.

SC: I will use the writing rubrics to help me.
I will asses my writing against 7 elements.

Ideas: 4 - I have lots of ideas that are connected to the topic with extra information.

Structure & Language: 5 - Because my writing has a title, intro, body and conclusion. I have also used a passive voice, topic specific words with casual words and some conjunctions.

Organisation: 6 - My ideas are organised in paragraphs. I can use language features that link ideas when appropriate.

Vocab: 4 - I have used a variety of precise words to add information.

Sentence: 5 - I can write a variety of sentences that are mostly grammatically correct.

Punctuation: 5 - I can use correct sentence punctuation (capital letters, & full stops).

spelling: 4 - I spell most essential list words correctly. I attempt some difficult* words using my knowledge of spelling rules. I hear and write all sounds in a word.

Writing score = 33 Which equals 4p.
